If you knew how your organisation
loses its behavioural value,

what would you tackle first?


We have identified the 8 Leadership Loopholes that drain teams of their behavioural potential.


And the People Create/MTI Adaptive Performance Practices are our carefully curated leadership modules designed specifically to plug these behavioural loopholes.

Individually or in combination, our Adaptive Performance Practices flex seamlessly across three levels of sophistication and expectation, from front line leader to CEO.

Building prosperous, positive futures

Select a loophole

  • Behavioural Paralysis

    Behavioural Paralysis happens when teams and leaders are hesitant and cautious; fearful of dilemma and of committing to difficult decisions. They struggle to move beyond the immediate tasks in front of them; often being busy but not purposeful. Unhelpful, unchallenged behaviours and stagnating routines begin to embed a fixed mindset culture.

    Stretch Leadership

    We help leaders, managers and teams drive courageous transformative change within their organisations; challenging inertia and fostering innovation.

    They encourage a culture of constructive conflict, with an openness to creative challenge and a commitment to a culture of innovation.

    With our support, teams consistently drive and anticipate change in the pursuit of sustainable business resilience.

    Priorities in this module are:

    • Challenging Inertia
    • Constructive Conflict
    • Promoting a Culture of Innovation
    • Fostering Psychological Safety
    • Supportive Leadership
  • Inadvertent Blundering

    Inadvertent Blundering happens when leaders or team members make repeated assumptions or unintended errors of judgment. Often associated with minimal personal reflection or a low feedback culture, this Leadership Loophole takes a heavy toll on relationship building and reputation.

    Leadership Awareness

    Prioritising self-awareness and addressing cognitive biases is crucial for leaders; understanding their strengths and challenges in order to make better decisions, build stronger relationships, and continuously improve their leadership capabilities.

    We use a range of robust psychometric tools including MBTI, FIRO-B and Hogan Leadership Assessment to provide invaluable, data-driven reflective insights.

    Priorities in this module are:

    • Improving Self-Awareness
    • Leading Cognitively Diverse Teams
    • Structures and Behaviours for Effective Feedback
    • Acknowledging Biases and Adopting Challenging Routines
    • Building Plans for Self-Development and Personal Efficacy
  • Cultural Selfishness

    Cultural Selfishness is an “us first” protection mechanism, working against generosity and curiosity. Left unattended, the complexity and politics of business leaves teams feeling the need to survive, regardless of the impact on others. Equally, an over-inflated sense of a team’s importance means immediate interests are placed before the collective effort.

    Leading Relationships

    In this module we explore what happens when collaboration and trust disappear and how to reverse the process, building meaningful, professional relationships. Without it, Cultural Selfishness will always prevent a group from achieving its full potential.

    To move towards high performance, teams must prioritise common goals, build trust and shape a context that supports growth and adaptability.

    Priorities in this module are:

    • Purposeful and Sustained Collaboration
    • Building Personal and Organisational Trust
    • Effective Engagement and Relationship Adaptability
    • Reputation Development and Network Mapping
    • Transforming Connections into Allies and Advocates
  • Structured Distraction

    Structured Distraction describes a collective sense of being too busy to think properly, a lack of clear strategic focus or a pervasive fear of change that draws teams towards an easier path; being wilfully blind to changes that are needed, avoiding difficult conversations and prioritising frenetic displacement behaviour.

    Deliberate Leadership

    In this module we consider how effective leaders embrace deliberate practice to develop and enhance their skills. They recognise that leadership is a craft that demands continuous learning, refinement, and intentional effort.

    Personal and team effectiveness is a learned discipline built over time on a set of guiding principles, behaviours and direction.

    Priorities in this module are:

    • Building a Mindset of Growth and Exploration
    • Facing Into Strategic Development Areas
    • Establishing Clear Objectives and Behavioural Discipline
    • Embedding Purposeful Practice and Quality Feedback
    • Accountability, Ownership and Commitment to Continuous Learning
  • Hierarchical Dependancy

    Hierarchical Dependancy is a complex mix of outdated leadership legacy, structural inertia and distorted perceptions of how to behave. It leaves individuals and teams unwilling to take ownership or independent action. An over-reliance on pushing responsibility upwards creates slow, bureaucratic processes and cautious cultures.

    Coaching for Performance

    The skills and disciplines inherent in modern business coaching are, in our opinion, the future of business leadership.

    Building coaching competency, with effective listening and structured questions, helps individuals unlock their potential, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. It diminishes hierarchy, builds esteem and drives resilient performance in rapidly changing conditions.

    Priorities in this module are:

    • Addressing Learned Helplessness
    • Challenging Assumed Usefulness
    • Core Coaching Skills and Effective Questions
    • Self Determination and Goal Setting
    • Creating an Agile and Resilient Team Culture
  • Organisational Disengagement

    When individuals and teams don’t see or care about the higher purpose of their effort, they begin a process of Organisational Disengagement. Without the pulling gravity of a compelling “why” the essential discretionary effort needed for creativity and problem solving drifts away, leaving teams and their leaders frustrated and listless.

    Inspiring Others

    If leaders only do one thing, it is to create the context for others to thrive and in this module we help leaders and teams create an evolving and compelling narrative that engages, inspires and motivates.

    Through words and actions, leaders have the power to shape the experiences and aspirations of their community. By using the powerful tools of storytelling and influence, they create a shared vision for others to gather around.

    Priorities in this module are:

    • Creating a Compelling Vision
    • Gathering Around a Passion and a Focus
    • The Power of Leadership Storytelling
    • Influence and Investing in Purpose
    • Empowering and Supporting Others
  • Protective Holding Back

    Protective Holding Back is the instinct to self-shield because of challenging circumstances or bitter previous experience. It triggers a reluctance for teams and individuals to be open or to trust the motives of others. “Don’t be vulnerable, minimise emotion, emphasise strength and power” are defining characteristics of this Leadership Loophole.

    Liberating Others

    In this module we consider what it takes for leaders to bring others through volatility, building engagement rapidly and sustainably, prioritising psychological safety and challenging silo-thinking.

    By cultivating an environment of open communication, and intentional trust-building, leaders create a culture where those around them feel empowered to share their authentic selves and collaborate more effectively.

    Priorities in this module are:

    • Creating a Context of Psychological Safety
    • Reconciling People, Power and Purpose
    • Understanding the Paradox of Vulnerability
    • Fostering a “One Firm” Mentality
    • Purposeful and Structured Trust Building
  • Contextual Complexity

    Business is faster, more integrated and less certain than it has ever been. Contextual Complexity describes the layers of dilemma and unceasing data overload that create a competency gap, fuelled by decision paradoxes and mis-aligned messaging.

    Strategy for All

    Leaders and teams face the relentless challenge of creating and implementing robust strategy, in complicated, accelerated environments; handling dilemma and delivering clear decision-making at pace.

    In this module we help participants clarify uncertainties, adapt quickly, and provide clear direction for those around them, shaping and sharing resilient strategy that inspires confidence and commitment.

    Priorities in this module are:

    • Creating Strategic Clarity
    • Contextual and Stakeholder Awareness
    • Fostering Agility and Adaptability
    • Effective Decision-Making Under Pressure
    • Clear Communication and Alignment

“The repercussions of the 8 Leadership Loopholes, compounded by a leader's failure to confront them, are profound — altering the very core of our work culture and bottom line. I would highly recommend that C-Suite leaders check out what these guys do. You will find them incredible partners to drive transformational leadership change in your organization.”

Sanjeet Bali, SVP – Customer Success, Transformation & Strategy, HERE Technologies

Carefully designed with complete flexibility in mind.

Our content and delivery is thoughtfully tailored; providing challenging stretch learning for first time leaders, experienced teams and c-suite executives.

Modules work best when two or more are combined; building a coherent and compelling development programme that uniquely addresses your needs.

Whether you are looking to support a specific team, create an amazing leadership development programme or transform your entire business, our Adaptive Performance Practices are your starting point.

We are ready
when you are

If you would like a conversation
to work out how we can help,
just get in touch.

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